(James Smith, “Daily Bible Readings for the Lord’s Household”)
“I am troubled!” Psalm 38:6 This is very often the case with the believer, he is seldom long without something to trouble him. He has . . .
so many foes without him, and
such unexpected and difficult things in his path
— that he is often agitated and distressed. Where he looked for comfort — he finds sorrow;
when he expected help — he finds hindrance;
where he promised himself pleasure — he experiences pain.He is wearied —But what a mercy it is for the troubled Christian, that his Lord has experienced trouble as well as himself; so that He can sympathize with him. Jesus once said, “Now My soul is deeply troubled!” He has a fellow-feeling with us in all our troubles, and will first sanctify them, and then safely bring us out of them.
Therefore Beloved, are you troubled today?
Carry you
r troubled heart to Jesus, pour it out before Him. He can calm it, soothe it, and give it cheering repose. Therefore Take it to Jesus — to sanctify it for you.
Yes, what a mercy it is!
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Something to ponder
“There is no surer characteristic of a sincere lover of Christ, than a habitual desire to be like Christ, and an ardent zeal to promote His glory!” Archibald Alexander, 1772-1851
“There is no surer characteristic of a sincere lover of Christ, than a habitual desire to be like Christ, and an ardent zeal to promote His glory!” Archibald Alexander, 1772-1851
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