The omnipotence of Jehovah

(James Smith, “The Believer’s Companion in Seasons of Affliction and Trouble” 1842)

“With God all things are possible!”  Matthew 19:26

The omnipotence of Jehovah is ruled by His wisdom and holiness, His justice and love. He can do everything consistent with those attributes — but nothing contrary to them.

God’s omnipotence is altogether on the believer’s side. All that God consistently can do — He will do for His people. Nothing is too hard for the Lord.

He can make us contented in the most trying circumstances — and happy in the deepest affliction. And He can so bring down our minds to our condition — that we shall glory in tribulation. He can turn darkness into light, and bitter into sweet, and bring the richest joy out of the deepest sorrow.

The omnipotent God is your God!The omnipotence of Jehovah

Do not look at your difficulties but at omnipotent God as engaged for you!

Nor look too much at what you are but at what your God can make you!

Do not dwell on weakness but on the Lord’s strength!

Call nothing impossible.

“Is anything too hard for Me? Do not I fill Heaven and earth, says the Lord?” His ways are in the sea, His paths in the mighty waters, and His footsteps are not known! It is possible for God to hold you fast . . .
in the most slippery path,
when surrounded by the most determined foes,
and feeling the greatest weakness — and He will do so!
None shall be able to pluck you out of His hand!

Therefore it is possible for God to supply all your needs, in the most trying times; as He did Elijah by the ravens, and the poor widow by the increase of the oil and meal. And He will do so! Only seek the Lord, trust in the Lord, leave difficulties with the Lord — and you shall not lack any good thing. He will display His wisdom, sovereignty, pity, and power in dealing with you; and perhaps fill you with wonder, surprise, and love, at His ways.

All that God is — He is to you!

And All He has — He has for you!

All He has promised — He will fulfill in you!

Ever, ever remember that all things are possible to . . .
your God,
and your Friend!

“I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength!” Philippians 4:13

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One response to “The omnipotence of Jehovah

  1. What wonderful words and what a wonderful blessing at this time of trouble in Taiwan aj. Withoout our GOD we have and can do nothing. But His perfect peace is our if we look UP not around.
    Father I bring all those in Taiwan before Your this day. I place them in Your arms and ask for Your perfect peace and protection for them thru this trial. Hold them close and bless those in need of healing and strength by Your touch this very moment. We pray all these things in Jesus precious and perfect name. Amen!

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