Days of mourning are ended

COMFORT for all who have lost a believing, spouse, parent, child, relative or friend.

by John Berridge  (LISTEN to the Audio)

Dear brother,
I have been informed of the loss of your dear wife. She has now put off mortality, and has become immortal! Can this grieve you?

Oh, that was where she now is:
“Safe landed on that peaceful shore,
Where pilgrims meet to part no more!”

She was once a mourning sinner in this poor wilderness, but she is now a glorified saint in Zion! The Lord has become her everlasting light, and the days of her mourning are ended! Does this trouble you?

She was once . . .
afflicted with bodily pains and weakness,
encompassed with cares, and
harassed with a crowd of anxious and needless fears.
But she has now arrived at her Father’s house, and He has wiped away all tears from her eyes. He has freed her in a moment . . . the days of her mourning are ended!
from all her pains,
and from all her needs!

You have not lost your wife, she has only gone ahead of you for a short time.

She has left her earthly husband, to go home to her heavenly Father! 

She expects your arrival there soon, to join the Hallelujahs for redeeming love.

Are you still weeping?

For Are you weeping because your wife can weep no more? 

Or weeping because she is eternally happy and holy? 

Weeping because she is joined to that assembly where all are kings and priests? 

Or because she is daily feasted with heavenly manna in her Father’s kingdom? 

Are you weeping because she is now where you desire to be eternally? 

Or weeping because she is singing sweet anthems to her God and your God? …

Jesus has fetched your bride triumphantly home to His kingdom, to draw your soul more ardently thither. 

He has broken up your cistern--to bring you nearer, and keep you closer to the ever-flowing fountain! 

Jesus has caused a moment’s separation, to divorce your affections from the creature. 

He has torn a heart-string from you, to set your heart a-panting more vehemently for Himself.

Hereafter you will see how gracious the Lord has been, in calling your beloved wife home, in order to betroth you more effectually to Himself.

Therefore May all your tears flow in a heavenly channel, and every sigh waft your soul nearer to Jesus!

May the God of all consolation, comfort you through life, and in death afford you a triumphant entrance into His glorious kingdom!

So prays your friend and brother in the gospel of Christ,
John Berridge

“The day of death, is better than the day of birth!” Ecclesiastes 7:1

“Blessed are those who die in the Lord!” Revelation 14:13

Therefore “Let me die the death of the righteous, and may my end be like theirs!” Numbers 23:10

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