Jesus taught the disciples humility

(from Spurgeon‘s “The Tender Pity of the Lord” #941)

Jesus taught the disciples humility by His humility.He taught them gentleness by His gentleness; 

and did not point out their defects in words.

He did not dwell upon their errors, but He
rather let them see their own spots by His
purity, their own defects by His perfection.

Oh, the marvelous tenderness of Christ, who
so paternally pitied those who feared Him!

The drift of this lesson is this; as your heavenly
Father has pity on you, have pity on one another.

Jesus, the Compassionate One, covers
our sins with the mantle of His love!

Be as tender towards those who sin as the Master was.

He remembers that we are dust; remember this of others.

I will not peevishly complain of the ‘rough stone’; for
I see it is under the Great Artist’s chisel, and I will
tarry till I see the beauty which He brings out of it.

Oh, the marvelous tenderness of Christ!

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Something to ponder:
Charles Spurgeon: “With lowly reverence at the foot of the Cross, bow down your soul and say, “My Lord, between me and the worst reprobate, there is no difference—but what Your grace has made. Between me and lost souls in Hell, there is no difference—except what Your infinite compassion has been pleased to make!” “By the grace of God I am what I am!” 1 Corinthians 15:10
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