(J.C. Philpot, “The Woman at the Well of Samaria”)
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When once, by the operation of the Spirit on our conscience, we have been stripped of . . .
and the other delusions of the flesh that hide themselves under the mask of religion–we have felt the difference between having a name to live while dead, and the power of vital godliness; and as a measure of divine life has flowed into the heart out of the fullness of the Son of God–we desire no other religion but that which stands in the power of God; by that alone can we live, and by that alone we feel that we can die.
Then, at last, we are brought to this conviction and solemn conclusion: that there is no other true religion but that which consists in the continued teachings of the Spirit, and the communications of the life of God to the soul.
With the Spirit’s teachings are connected . . .
all the actions of faith in the soul,
anchoring of hope in the heart,
all the flowing forth of love,
every tear of genuine contrition that flows down the cheeks,
sigh of godly sorrow that heaves from the bosom,
every cry and groan because of the body of sin,
or breath of spiritual prayer that comes from the heart,
every casting of our souls upon Christ,
all submission to Him,
communion with Him,
enjoyment of Him, and
all the inward embracements of Him in His suitability and preciousness.
“But you have received the Holy Spirit, and He lives within you, so you do not need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what He teaches is true.” 1 John 2:27
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