benefits of affliction

(John Angell James)

Some of the benefits of affliction, are that it . . .
quickens prayer,
benefits of affliction

   extracts the balmy sweets of the promises,
endears the Savior.

And to crown all, affliction directs the mind to that
glorious state where the days of our mourning shall
be ended—that happy country where God shall wipe
every tear from our eyes, and there shall be no
more sorrow or crying.

Nothing so composes the mind, and helps it to
bear the load of trouble which God may allow upon
it—as the prospect of its ending & looking forward

to Heaven.

In that one word, HEAVEN, genuine piety provides
a balm for every wound, a cordial for every care.

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Something to ponder
Octavius Winslow: “Christ is the Comfort–and the Holy Spirit is the Comforter, by whom the sympathy, and grace, and consolation of Christ is conveyed into our sad and disconsolate hearts.”
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Something to ponder
Arthur Pink: “Because God is God indeed–He does as He pleases, only as He pleases, always as He pleases. His great concern is the promotion of His own glory. He is the Supreme Being, and therefore Sovereign of the universe!”
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Something to ponder
Mary Winslow: “This poor world is but a wilderness. Who would desire to dwell forever in a wilderness?”
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