The Bible the Word of God

Things to ponder

J.C. Ryle:

“Is the Bible the Word of God? Then be sure you never read it without fervent prayer for the help and teaching of the Holy Spirit.

Here is the rock on which many make shipwreck. They do not ask for wisdom and instruction, so they find the Bible dark and carry nothing away from it.

Therefore, you should pray for the Spirit to guide you into all truth. You should beg the Lord Jesus Christ to “open your understanding,” as He did that of His disciples. The Lord God, by whom His inspiration the book was written, keeps the keys of the book, and alone can enable you to understand it profitably.”

The Bible is the Word of God! The Bible the Word of God

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Charles Spurgeon:

“Too many people think lightly of sin, and therefore​​ think lightly of the Savior.
He who has stood before God, convicted and condemned with the rope about his neck, is the man . . .
   weeping for joy when he is pardoned,
hating the evil which has been forgiven him, and
therefore lives to the honor of the Redeemer by whose blood he has been cleansed.”
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