I delight to see the Incarnate God

(Octavius Winslow)  LISTEN to audio! Download audio Those bright constellations–Christ created them.Those burning suns–Christ kindled them.Those snow wreathed alps, those cloud-capped mountains–Christ raised them.Those verdant valleys–Christ spread them.That blushing rose, graceful lily, exquisite fern, that curious sea flower tossed upon the shore, wayside … Continued

Behold! I the Incarnate God

(Octavius Winslow, “Christ is Ever With You!” 1863) LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio “Lo, I am with you always–even unto the end of the world!” Matthew 28:20 Whose presence is promised and pledged?  It is the presence of Christ! The Christ who is God. … Continued

​A spring of the water of life

​(William Dyer, “Christ’s Famous Titles”) “Yes, He is altogether lovely!” Song of Songs 5:16 Jesus is most desirable in Himself–and all things that are desirable are in Him. Beauty is in Christ, bounty is in Christ, riches and honor are in Christ. Jesus Christ is hidden in the gospel … Continued

My entire dependence

​Matthew Henry  (LISTEN to the Audio, OR WATCH the  Video on  YouTube or SermonAudio) “My times are in Your hand!” Psalm 31:15 Firmly believing that my times are in God’s hand, I here submit myself and all my affairs for the ensuing year, to the … Continued

Absolute devotion

(John MacDuff, “Thoughts for the Quiet Hour”, 1895) “If I have not love, I am nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:2 What absolute devotion of a beautiful soul that loses itself in the hallowed mission of radiating peace and joy and sympathy all around. When other​s​ have failed to charm, many dull … Continued

True conversion

​J.C. Ryle, “Conversion” (LISTEN to the Audio, WATCH the Video on SermonAudio or YouTube.) … The effects of the Spirit’s work in conversion will always be seen. Those effects may be weak and feeble at first. But there where there is true conversion, some fruit will always be seen. … Continued

He sees us

(Letters of John Newton) “Surely I am with you always — to the very end of the age!” Matthew 28:20 In our natural state, — we conceive of God as at a distance. But when the heart is awakened, we begin to … Continued

The wonders and blessedness

(Gleanings from the Inner Life of Ruth Bryan) “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers–but … Continued

The love of Christ

THE LOVE OF CHRIST (How wide, how long, how high, and how deep) (LISTEN to the Audio, Or WATCH the Video on SermonAudio or YouTube.) 1 John 3:1, “How great is the love which the Father has lavished on us, that … Continued

Salvation is of the Lord alone

Charles Spurgeon (LISTEN to the Audio, Or WATCH the Video on either SermonAudio or YouTube.) “He told them plainly: Lazarus is dead!” John 11:14 There lay Lazarus in the grave, dead! His restoration to life was utterly hopeless upon any ordinary principles. … Continued