live as Jesus would

(J.R. Miller, “How to e a Beautiful Christian Life” 1880) LISTEN to audio! Download audio (“Whoever claims to live in Him, must walk as Jesus did.” 1 John 2:6 We have only successfully acquired the art of living a Christian life, when … Continued

The real Saint Patrick…

It may surprise you to learn that the real Saint Patrick was not actually Irish — yet his robust faith changed the Emerald Isle forever. Patrick was born in Roman Britain to a middle-class family in about A.D. 390. When … Continued

read and labor to know…

(Thomas Brooks) If it is not the aim of your heart to practice what you read, to what end do you read? To increase your own condemnation? If your light and knowledge is not turned into practice, the more knowing man you are, the more miserable man … Continued

possessing all things…

(Thomas Brooks, “The Crown and Glory of Christianity, or, HOLINESS, the Only Way to Happiness”, 1662) “Having nothing—and yet possessing all things.” 2 Cor. 6:10 This is a riddle the world cannot understand. A holy man cannot be a poor … Continued

Be kind and compassionate

(J.A. James, “Christian Fellowship” 1822) “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart” Matthew 11:29 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5  Be kind and compassionate… … Continued

Do you act as you pray?

(J.A. James, “Prayer and Practice”) I need not prove to you that prayer, as a duty, is essential to Christian conduct; and, as a privilege, prayer is equally indispensable to Christian enjoyment. All Christians give themselves to this devout exercise. Their petitions … Continued

Nothing can be a substitute

(John Angell James, “Christian Love”) Nothing can be a substitute… “If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all  mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am … Continued

strength to meet the hour of trial.

(MacDuff, “Words of Comfort to the Christian Pilgrim”) “As your days, so shall your strength be.” Deut. 33:25 The Christian is frequently compared to a pilgrim, traveling onward through a dreary wilderness, to the promised land of Canaan. His experience is varied and chequered. … Continued

when I am weak then am strong

(George Everard, “Help on the Way to the Better Land!” 1873) Very rich and full is the promise, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 It has been spoken of as an elastic promise. … Continued

Sometimes it is a Hill Difficulty

(Newman Hall, 1816-1902) There are many variations in the Christian’s path. Sometimes it is smooth and flowery, with sunny slopes, and sylvan shades, and prospects which entrance the soul with loveliness. There are seasons when no doubts perplex the spirit, and … Continued