The happy man or woman…

(Lachlan MacKenzie, 1754-1819) The happy man or woman was born in the city of Regeneration in the parish of Repentance unto Life. They have a large estate in the county of Christian Contentment; were educated at the School of Obedience–and often does jobs of Self-denial; … Continued

Guide me by Your counsel…

(John MacDuff, “The Gates of Prayer”)  Anew I commend myself to Your gracious keeping this day. Guide me by Your counsel, guard me from temptation, lead me in the everlasting way. May every unloving thought, every unworthy aim and aspiration–give place to what is pure and unselfish … Continued

His loving kindnesses!

(Arthur Pink, “God’s Loving-kindness” April, 1948) Scripture speaks of “the multitude of His loving kindnesses!” (Isaiah 63:7) And who is capable of numbering them? Said the Psalmist, “How excellent is your  loving-kindness, O God!” (Psalm 36:7) No pen of man, no tongue of angel, … Continued

Rest in the quiet consciousness

(John MacDuff, “The Rainbow in the Clouds”) “Let the Lord be exalted, who delights in the prosperity of His servant.” Psalm 35:27 What is “prosperity?” Is it threads of life weaved into a bright outcome? a full cup? ample riches? worldly applause? … Continued

O that I might find Him

(Charles Spurgeon) “O that I knew where I might find Him!” Job 23:3 In Job’s uttermost extremity — he cried after the Lord. Just so, the longing desire of an afflicted child of God — is once more to see his Father’s … Continued

In darkest days faith shines

(Henry Law, “Psalms”) So many are saying, “God will never rescue him!” But You, O Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head high. Psalm 3:2-3 In darkest days faith shines with brightest glow. In … Continued

Unmerited Grace…

(John MacDuff, “Evening Incense” 1856) O my God, I desire to approach the footstool of Your throne of grace. Glory be to Your holy name that I can enjoy freedom of access into Your presence, and with the confidence of … Continued

There yet is hope in God!

(edited from Octavius Winslow’s “Hoping in the Lord”) How sweet and assuring is the trust of a child in a parent’s love, care, and protection. Such a Father is ours! We may trust in His forgiveness, to cancel our greatest … Continued

Patience calmly waits

(edited from Thomas Reade’s, “Divine Sovereignty”) There is something peculiarly soothing to the heart of a pious Christian; to know that He who rules over all worlds, in whose hands are the destinies of nations, and who guides the minutest … Continued

The throne of Grace

(Henry Law, “Family Prayers”) Lord God Almighty, Father of mercies, screened from all evil by Your gracious providence–we come to encircle You with grateful praise. We bless You that at every moment the throne of grace has been open and that the … Continued