The road is narrow

(adapted from Mary Winslow’s, “Life in Jesus”) Life is a journey, often a short one, and always uncertain. But there is another journey. The believer is traveling through a waste howling wilderness, to another and a glorious region, where ineffable delight and happiness await us. … Continued

An exalted and endearing truth

(Octavius Winslow) “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age!” Matthew 28:20 What an exalted and endearing truth, is Christ’s sleepless vigilance over His people! Imagine yourself threading your way along a most difficult and … Continued

Our Guide

(Octavius Winslow, “Christ is Ever with You!” 1863) “Surely, I am with you always — even unto the end of the world!” Matthew 28:20 Christ is with us — as our GUIDE. How deep our need of Him as such, … Continued

God will not withhold anything

(Charles Simeon)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio “The Lord God is a sun and a shield. The Lord will give grace and glory. No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly! O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in … Continued

Unknown and unobserved

(adapted from Octavius Winslow’s “Morning Thoughts”) Imagine yourself threading your way along a most difficult and perilous path, every step of which is attended with pain and jeopardy, and is taken with hesitancy and doubt. Unknown to you and unseen … Continued

This is the way

(J. R. Miller, “The Beauty of Self-control”) “Hold me up—and I shall be safe!” Psalm 119:117 Certain ancient mariners were accustomed to say, as they put out to sea, “Keep me, O God, for my boat is so small—and the … Continued

He is present with us

(James Smith, “Israel’s Need, and God’s Mercy” 1856)  Play Audio!  Download Audio Life is but a journey–a journey from the present fleeting world, to the eternal world. “By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud … Continued

Our God is our guide

(James Smith, “Daily Bible Readings for the Lord’s Household”) Play Audio!  Download “He will be our guide, even unto death!” Psalm 48:14 What a precious assurance is this! Our God is our guide! He . . . led us out … Continued

Our faithful Guide

(adapted from Mary Winslow’s, “Life in Jesus”) Life is a journey, often a short one, and always uncertain. But there is another journey. The believer is traveling through a waste howling wilderness, to another and a glorious region, where ineffable … Continued

He will guide you

(Octavius Winslow, “Christ is Ever with You!” 1863) “Surely, I am with you always — even unto the end of the world!” Matthew 28:20 Christ is with us — as our GUIDE. How deep our need of Him as such, … Continued