It endears Him to our hearts

(James Smith, “Christ Exalted, Saints Comforted, and Sinners Directed” 1855) Play Audio!  Download Audio It endears Him to our hearts!   If we look at the OFFICES of Christ, it endears Him to our hearts. He is a PROPHET, to … Continued

The road is narrow

(adapted from Mary Winslow’s, “Life in Jesus“) Life is a journey, often a short one, and always uncertain. But there is another journey. The believer is traveling through a waste howling wilderness, to another and a glorious region, where ineffable … Continued

We could ask nothing more…

(J. C. Ryle, “The Gospel of Matthew” 1856) “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20It is impossible to conceive words more . . . comforting, strengthening, cheering, and sanctifying than these. Though left … Continued

O keep your eye fixed on Him

(David Harsha, 1827-1895) “Your eyes will see the King in His beauty!” Isaiah 33:17 Contemplate your blessed Redeemer, seated on His great white throne, encircled with heavenly glory. Look at the King in His beauty! It is the sight of a glorified … Continued

We shall not want…

(Frank Hall) “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1 The Lord Jesus is everything to my needy soul! He is my majestic King, the imperial one who graciously rules my heart and my life with His sovereign scepter of righteousness. And He … Continued