The Manna from Heaven

(J.C. Philpot, “The Good Shepherd and His Work”) LISTEN to audio! Download audio (You will find it helpful to listen to the audio above, as you read the text below.) “I will feed My flock.” Ezekiel 34:15 The only real food of the soul–must … Continued

Be the fortress to which continually we flee.

(Henry Law, “Family Prayers”) O God of patience and consolation, glory be to You for this throne of grace. Make it ever to us–the chosen pleasure-ground of our souls. May it be the fortress to which continually we flee. Here we obtain mercy and … Continued

By reading that Book

(J.C. Ryle)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio “Oh, how I love Your law! I meditate on it all day long!” Psalm 119:97 The Bible in the pulpit, must never supersede the Bible at home. Let us read our Bibles in private … Continued

What is here for me today?

(Arthur Pink)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio The Bible is a book which calls not so much for the exertion of our intellect–as it does for the exercise of our affections, conscience and will. God has given His Word to … Continued

Heavenly manna

(Charles Spurgeon, “A Bundle of Myrrh“)  PLAY Audio!  Download Audio Christ Jesus is unutterably precious to believers! Nothing gives the believer so much joy as fellowship with Christ. The Christian has joy as other men have in the ‘common mercies’ … Continued

The only real food of the soul

(J.C. Philpot, “The Good Shepherd and His Work”) LISTEN to audio! Download audio (You will find it helpful to listen to the audio above, as you read the text below.) “I will feed My flock.” Ezekiel 34:15 The only real … Continued

our portion of manna…

(Arthur Pink) Our portion of manna The Bible is a book which calls for the exercise of our affections, conscience and will. God has given His Word to us for our education–to make known what He requires from us. It is to be . . . the traveler’s … Continued

This throne of Grace…

(Henry Law, “Family Prayers”) O God of patience and consolation, glory be to You for this throne of grace. Make it ever to us–the chosen pleasure-ground of our souls. May it be the fortress to which continually we flee. Here we obtain mercy … Continued