No mind has conceived

(Thomas Sherman, “Divine Breathings; Or, a Pious Soul Thirsting after Christ”) LISTEN to audio!  Download audio “No eye has seen, and no ear has heard, no mind has conceived, what God has prepared for those who love Him!” 1 Corinthians … Continued

Cheer up weary traveler!

(James Smith, “It Will All End in Mercy!” 1856) “We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God, and are called according to His purpose!” Romans 8:28 If you are a sincere … Continued

Gods thoughts are not as ours

(​John MacDuff, “The Promised Land!” 1859​ edited​​​) “And He led them forth by the right way — that they might go to a city of habitation.” Psalm 107:7 God’s thoughts are not as ours nor His ways as ours! This … Continued

All that Christ has is mine!

(William Dyer, “Christ’s Famous Titles”) “Yes, He is altogether lovely!” Song of Solomon 5:16 Jesus is most desirable in Himself–and all things that are desirable are in Him. Beauty is in Christ, bounty is in Christ, riches and honor are … Continued

Amid all your difficulties

(David Harsha) To the children of God, afflictions are allowed in mercy. They are allowed by love. They are designed . . . to draw us more closely to the Savior, and mortify indwelling sin, to purify our hearts, and … Continued

Draw me more

Something to ponder Arthur Pink: “Because God is God indeed–He does as He pleases, only as He pleases, always as He pleases. His great concern is the promotion of His own glory. He is the Supreme Being, and therefore Sovereign … Continued

Better things in store for us

(adapted from Mary Winslow‘s, “Heaven Opened”) What a mercy that there are better things in store for us than this poor world could give! Who that knows the truth experimentally would wish to live in this base world one moment … Continued

The way to grow strong

STRENGTH THROUGH WEAKNESS by Spurgeon— “The way to grow strong in Christ is to become weak in yourself. God pours no power into man’s heart till man’s power is all poured out. The Christian’s life is one of daily dependence on the grace and … Continued

Sickness often a greater mercy

(Charles Spurgeon) I bear my witness that some of the best things I have ever learned from mortal lips–I have learned from bedridden saints! There is no greater mercy that I know of on earth than good health–unless it is sickness. Sickness … Continued

A mercy of the greatest worth…

(John Flavel)   LISTEN to audio!  Download audio “For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life!” John 3:16 Let it be considered, to what the … Continued