Love and strength of God

(J. R. Miller, “In Perfect Peace”) So frail is human strength, though behind it is tenderest, truest love. All that love can do, all that money can do, all that skill can do—avail nothing. Human arms may clasp us very … Continued

Shoes of iron and bronze

(J.R. Miller, “Evening Thoughts” 1907) “And of Asher he said: Your shoes shall be iron and bronze. As your days–so shall your strength be” Deuteronomy 33:24-25 Asher’s portion would be rough and hilly. Common shoes of leather would not last. The promise meant that Asher … Continued

Take courage!

(“The Fruits and Marks of the Lord Being Our God” J. C. Philpot, Providence Chapel, London, 1849) “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Mark 6:50 It is I who formed you in the womb, and brought you forth … Continued

A supply of strength

(MacDuff, “Words of Comfort to the Christian Pilgrim”) “As your days, so shall your strength be.” Deut. 33:25 The Christian is frequently compared to a pilgrim, traveling onward through a dreary wilderness, to the promised land of Canaan. His experience is varied and chequered. … Continued

It is living upon Christ

(Ashton Oxenden, “The Christian Life” 1882) “As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord–so walk in Him!” Colossians 2:6 We are apt to think that all we need is to look to Christ as our Sin-bearer; and that, having … Continued

With the arms of my faith

(“Solitude Sweetened” by James Meikle, 1730-1799)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio “Where sin abounded, therefore grace did much more abound!” Romans 5:20 Dear Savior, in Your sufferings I not only see the infiniteness of sin, but also the infiniteness of … Continued

Your own strength is nothing

(George Mylne, “Fear Not!” 1854) LISTEN to audio!  Download audio “Fear not! I will strengthen you!” Isaiah 41:10 Blessed promise, “I will strengthen you!” Who gives the promise? Jehovah Jesus! To whom is it given? Powerless believer, it is given … Continued

On the day I called He answered

(J.R. Miller, “The Shining Light” 1911) “As your days — so shall your strength be!” Deuteronomy 33:25 Strength was not promised in advance — enough for all of life, or even for a year, or for a month. The promise … Continued

We need spiritual strength

(J.R. Miller, “Family Prayers“) LISTEN to audio!  Download audio Heavenly Father, we would be strong for this new day, and we wait upon You to renew our strength. We need spiritual strength for the day that is before us. We … Continued

To whom else could we go?

(J.R. Miller, “Family Prayers“) LISTEN to audio!  Download audio Almighty God, our heavenly Father, look upon us graciously as we wait at Your feet. You have given us many invitations to come to You. You have invited us . . … Continued