He trains them for eternity

(J. C. Ryle) He trains them for eternity: God allows heavy trials upon His children for the wisest and merciful purposes. Because we live in such a fair and pleasant world, we are so surrounded with so much that is … Continued

Through much tribulation

(James Smith, “No Comparison!” 1862) “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time–are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us!” Romans 8:18 Paul compares present sufferings—future glory. Believers are exposed to … Continued

It is thus

(J.C. Ryle) We are surrounded with much that is smiling and mirthful–that if we were not often obliged to taste of sickness, trials and disappointments–we would forget our heavenly home, and pitch our tents right in this Sodom! Therefore it is … Continued