It is this quality in the Bible, which makes it so dear to the heart of humanity. Because if it were a book only for the strong, the successful, the victorious, the unfallen, those who have no sorrow, who never fail, the whole, the happy–it would not find such a welcome wherever it goes in the world. So long as there are tears and sorrows, broken hearts, crushed hopes, human failures, lives burdened and bowed down, and spirits sad and despairing–so long will the Bible be full of inspiration, light, help, and strength–for earth’s weary ones.
The God of the Bible is the God of those who have not succeeded. Wherever there is a weak, stumbling Christian, unable to walk alone–to him, the divine heart goes out in tender thought and sympathy, and the divine hand is extended to support him, and keep him from falling. Whenever a Christian has fallen and lies in defeat or failure–over him bends the heavenly Father in kindly pity, to raise him up and to help him to begin again. Because the God of the Bible is the God of the weak, the unsheltered. Their very helplessness of His children is their strongest plea to the divine heart.
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