when the burdens are too heavy

(J.R. Miller, “The Glory of the Commonplace”)

God can take the broken fragments of a life, shattered by sorrow — and out of them make a new life whose music shall thrill many hearts. If one is discouraged, if the life seems to be hopelessly broken — the gospel of divine love brings encouragement. There are no ruins of life, out of which God cannot build beauty and blessing!when the burdens are too heavy

God is infinitely patient:

with all whose lot is hard. He never exacts more of us than we can do. Nor He is never unreasonable. He knows when the burdens are too heavy for us. Once He, “being wearied with His journey, sat down by the well” in His exhaustion. He sympathizes with those who are weary, and helps them.

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted/tried in every way, just as we are” Hebrews 4:15

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The following is from Bonar’s book,
“The Night of Weeping”

“In all our affliction he is afflicted.”

Jesus weeps with us.

He knows our sorrows, for He has passed
through them all, and therefore He feels
for us. He is touched with the feeling of
our griefs as well as of our infirmities.
Even in His glory He enters most fully into
the fellowship of our burdens and sorrow,
whatever these may be, for there is not
one which He did not taste when He “dwelt
among us” here. His is sympathy, deep,
real, and true. It is no fiction, no fancy.
We do not see His tears falling upon us;
neither do we clasp His hand nor feel the
beating of His heart against ours. But still
His communion with us in suffering is a reality.

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