The deep mysteries of His will!

(Henry Law, “The Gospel in Numbers” 1858)

Earth is affliction’s home.

A troop of sorrows compass us about.

Tears stream.

The bosom sighs.

The brow is furrowed by the lines of care and worry.

Death tears away the much loved friend.

Sickness invades the frame.

The home is desolate.

The table is destitute.

We look to the right hand, and there is trouble;
on the left, and still fresh troubles frown.

But Heaven is a wide sea of bliss without a ripple.

All tears are wiped away.

And all faces beam with one enraptured smile.

All lips confess, “The cup of happiness overflows!”

We bathe in oceans of delight.the deep mysteries of His will

In Heaven . . .
sin is shut out;
temptations banished;
fears buried in an unfathomable grave;
sorrow and unbelief have fled away;
knowledge is perfect;
our souls are purity;
our bodies are imperishable beauty;
we completely share the glory of our all glorious Lord.

Jesus is the crown of Heaven! This is the pinnacle of bliss! The revelation of the Lord, without one intervening cloud, is the grand glory of the endless kingdom. Heaven is full Heaven, because Christ shines there exactly as He is; seen and admired by every eye.

In Heaven Jesus ever stands conspicuous in one undiminishable blaze!

Believer, what will it be to gaze on the manifested beauty of Him who is so altogether lovely!

What! to read clearly all the deep mysteries of His redeeming will!

What! to dive down to the vast depths of His unfathomable heart!

What! to fly upward to the very summit of His boundless love!

What! to trace clearly all His dealings in providence and grace!

What! to comprehend all that Jesus is!

What! never to lose sight of Him; no, not for a moment!

What! to be ever drinking fresh raptures from His present smile!

What! to feel that this joy is mine forever!

This! this is Heaven!

The deep mysteries of His will!

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