In darkest days faith shines

(Henry Law, “Psalms”)

So many are saying, “God will never rescue him!”Faith shines!
But You, O Lord, are a shield around me, my glory,
and the One who lifts my head high. Psalm 3:2-3

In darkest days faith shines with brightest glow.
In the wild storm it looks to God and sings. No
weapon can succeed against it. No billows can
submerge it.

God, even God Himself, surrounds His children
as a shieldThe shaft which touches them
must pierce through God!

Because in the darkest days, faith shines brightly!

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(Henry Law, “Psalms”)
“Even if my father and mother abandon me,
the Lord will hold me close.” Psalm 27:10

Earthly relationships are easily dissolved.
Affection may decay.

Fickleness begets estrangement.
Distance may part.
Death comes, and desolation sits
where happy fellowship once reigned.

But God’s love is strong, immutable, and
. His heart beats with tenderness,
and is incapable of diminution or of change.

O Father, ever be a Father unto us!

“Even if my father and mother abandon me,
the Lord will hold me close.” Psalm 27:10

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Something to ponder:

Thomas Brooks, “Riches and honors and titles, and all worldly grandeur–won’t go with us beyond the grave. Death, as a porter, stands at the gate, and strips men of all their worldly wealth and glory!”

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2 responses to “In darkest days faith shines

  1. Thank you aj for the PERFECT reminder we all need at this time…FAITH! There is no man or government that can offer us salvation or protection. But Faith is our Fathers perfect peace and our confidence knowing that HE is ALL and HE is ALWAYS in control. Fear cannot exist in the same heart where FAITH lives!

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