“Though I understand all mysteries and all knowledge . . . and have not love, I am nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:2
We must distinguish between things that differ, namely, a knowledge of spiritual things–and actual spiritual knowledge.
A knowledge of spiritual things can be acquired by the unregenerate.
Spiritual knowledge is peculiar to the children of God.
A knowledge of spiritual things is merely intellectual and theoretical.
Spiritual knowledge is vital and effectual.
One may take up “Bible study” in the same way as another would the study of philosophy or science. He may pursue it diligently and enthusiastically. He may obtain a familiarity of the letter of Scripture and a proficiency in understanding its terms, far in advance of the hard-working Christian who has less leisure and less natural ability.
Yet what is such knowledge worth, if it . . .
does not affect the heart,
fails to transform the character, and
make the daily walk pleasing to God!
Unless our “Bible study” is conforming us, both inwardly and outwardly to the image of Christ, it profits us nothing!
We must distinguish between things that differ!
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Something to ponder
Arthur Pink: How dishonoring it is unto God to have so many professing Christians eulogizing worms of the dust and using such expressions as “He is a great man,” “a remarkable preacher,” “a wonderful Bible teacher.” What glory does the Lord get there from? None. Moreover, nothing is so apt to destroy a preacher’s usefulness as to puff him up with flattery; certainly, nothing is so insulting to the Spirit and more calculated to cause Him to withdraw His blessing, than such idolatrous man worship. How much better to say, “Such a preacher is highly favored of the Lord in being so gifted by Him.” “The pastor was much helped by God in his sermon this morning.”
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