I know them

(J. C. Ryle, “The Privileges of the True Christian“)

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them,
and they follow Me.” (John 10:27)
The Lord Jesus Christ says of His sheep who hear His
voice and follow Him, “I know them.” I know . . .
their number,
particular characters,

their besetting sins,
their prayers,
and private meditations.
I know everything about every one of them! 
Be comforted, all you who are tried and buffeted
with difficulties in your way towards heaven,
difficulties from without and difficulties from within
and difficulties at home, grief for your own sins and
grief for the sins of others–the Good Shepherd Jesus

knows you well, though you may not realize it.

You never shed a secret tear or breathed a single

prayer for forgiveness and helping grace, –which He
did not observe and note down in the book of His


You need not fear His not understanding your needs.
He knows your particular necessities far better than
you do yourselves. Your humble prayers are no sooner
offered up than heard. You may sometimes sigh and
mourn for lack of Christian fellowship–but rememberI know them
that the Good Shepherd is ever about your path and
about your bed. His eyes are on all your movements.
No husband, brother, father, mother, sister, friend,
could take more tender interest in your soul’s welfare
than He does. If you sorrow He will bind up your
broken heart and pour in balm. He is ever watching
and observing and listening. The Good Shepherd is
acquainted with all your ways.

​~  ~  ~  ~​

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