All that we need is in Christ

(James Smith, “Abide with Me” 1859)

One great part of the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart is to . . .
empty us,
strip us of self,
lead us to feel our own weakness, and
bring us to look to Jesus alone, as our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.
And just in proportion as we feel our need of Christ, and realize our absolute nothingness without Christ — shall we . . .
prize Him,
enjoy Him, and
exercise dependence upon Him.

We come to Him at first — as poor, lost, helpless sinners — that we may be saved by His merit and mercy.
And as believers, we must continually come to Him . . .All that we need is in Christ
with all our burdens — that He may bear them;
all our cares — that He may manage them;
with all our sorrows — that He may sanctify them;
all our foes — that He may conquer them;
with all our sins — that He may cleanse them; and
and with all our necessities — that He may supply them.

All that we need is in Christ for us. Our sense of our need of Him, if it is increasing will lead us to daily come to Him for all our supplies.

Therefore our deep necessity fits us for Christ — and His infinite fullness fits Him for us!

Our trials, troubles, temptations, disappointments, and vexations are to drive us continually to Him.

There is often much prayer — and yet little communion with Christ.
We should realize that He is giving us His whole attention.

We should keep back nothing from Him — but speak to Him freely on every subject, and every circumstance.
He is always with us, listening to us, and sympathetically entering into all our concerns!

We must be intimate with Christ,
and walk with Him.
We must carry everything to Him,
and seek all from Him.
We must be constantly . . .
going to Christ,
conversing with Christ,
and obtaining from Christ —

if we would receive the consoling influences of His love!
​~  ~  ~  ~​

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