The remembrance of this word

(George Everard, “The Four ALLS!” 1882)

“Casting all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

“Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.” 1 Peter 5:7 (Amplified Bible)

The remembrance of this word of Peter may help you to bring God into everything — He can manage and undertake for you far better than you can for yourself. There is . . .
no load of anxiety for yourself or others,there membrance of this word
or strait in which you can be placed,
no perplexities that can harass and bewilder you —
but the Lord bids you to cast it upon Him and leave it trustfully in His hands.

The only way to obtain relief under the manifold cares that often encompass our path, is to cast them all on God. We must bring them to our Father — and leave them with Him! We must tell them out in the ear of our great High Priest — and have confidence enough in Him to know that He will not neglect that which we commit to Him.

“Casting all your cares upon Him, for HE CARES FOR YOU.” Yes, this is our consolation.


Christ is the Friend who . . .

  cares for us,
thinks upon us,
hears every sigh and groan,
marks every tear, and
knows every sorrow that weighs upon the mind.

Ah, it is a thought to cheer a believer at all times — what a Friend have I in Christ! He is the Friend always near. Though banished far from home and kindred, Christ is always by my side. I cannot see Him, but I know that He is here. He has promised me, “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” and He will be as good as His Word.

Then I may add another thought: Christ is kinder than the kindest. Could I gather together all the rays of kindness, pity, tender love, that have ever glowed in the heart . . .all combined would be but as one tiny sunbeam, compared to that wondrous love which is in the heart of Christ for His redeemed people!

Nor is it less comforting for me, to remember that He who cares for me is changeless in His faithfulness and love.

Oh, the marvelous sympathy, gentleness, loving-kindness which Christ daily shows me, and which I know will never cease!

May I ever have grace to flee to this refuge and hiding-place! Oh, that every burden, every fear, every foreboding, every jot and tittle of my daily anxieties, may all be entrusted to His loving hand!

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