He gives them crowns of glory

(William Dyer, “Christ’s Famous Titles”)

“He has made us kings and priests to our God!” Revelation 5:10

The Lord Jesus infinitely excels all earthly kings—in that He makes all His subjects kings! He has a crown of glory for every subject! Oh, what a glorious King is this!

Sirs, it is better to be a poor member of Christ—than the head of a nation! Oh, how infinitely happy are all Christ’s subjects! They are all kings, all heirs, all favorites, all sons!

Alas! where is there such a king to be found—who makes all his subjects kings? He gives them crowns of glory

There are many kings who undo their subjects—but Christ makes His subjects kings!

And there are many kings who make their subjects beggars—but Christ makes His subjects kings!

There are many kings who put their subjects to death—but Christ died that His subjects might live!

And there are many kings who give their subjects titles—but Christ gives all His subjects heaven!

Now, beloved, here is the excellence of our King—He makes all His subjects kings—and He gives them crowns of glory!

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The God of the broken-hearted!
(J.R. Miller, “Help for the Day”)

“He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds!” Psalm 147:3

The God of the Bible, is the God of the broken-hearted.

God cares. The broken-heartedness of His people attracts Him. The lament of grief on earth, draws Him down from Heaven!

“The LORD is near to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

“He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted” Luke 4:18

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