Lord the Great Physician

(James Smith LISTEN to audio!  Download audio

“Who heals all your diseases.” Psalm 103:3

The Lord is the great Physician. He is especially the healer of the soul.Lord the Great Physician

The patient is a believer.

The cause of all sorrow and suffering is sin.

The seat of the malady is in the heart.

The nature of the malady is most loathsome and afflictive.
It affects . . .
the mind,
the affections,
the conscience,
the will,
yes the whole man! “Your whole head is injured, your whole heart afflicted. You are sick from head to foot–covered with bruises, welts, and infected wounds!” Isaiah 1:5-6

We are all the subjects of this disease. We all suffer from it!

No one can heal us, but the Lord Jesus. He is the great Physician; to Him we may repair and be restored to health. To encourage you to do so, look at His qualifications:
He is infinitely wise, tender and skillful.
His experience is without a parallel.

The remedies He employs are . . .
His precious blood,
holy Word, and
blessed Spirit.

The mode of application is by . . .
convictions, and
divine energy.

He never failed in any case; all of His patients are completely cured!

David’s was a bad case; but he could say, “He heals all my diseases!”

Sinner–you are sick, mortally sick! Go to Jesus!

Backslider–you are dreadfully sick! Go to Jesus!

Believer, are you not desiring perfect health? Then go to Jesus and plead, “Lord, if You will–You can make me whole!”

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