Infinitely wise

(“Every Day!” Author unknown, 1872)

“We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God–to those who are called according to His purpose!” Romans 8:28

We love Him–because He first loved us! When we know and believe the love that God has to us–then we love Him in return. And as we increase in the knowledge of Him–we love Him not only on account of what He has done for us, but also on account of what He is in Himself. As we see His glory in the face of Jesus Christ–we adore Him and delight in Him.

Happy is the state, and glorious are the privileges of all who love God.

God causes all things to work together for their good . . .Infinitely wise
all their trials and their comforts,
their sorrows and their joys,
all their temptations and their consolations,
are so arranged by the wisdom and goodness of God, their Father, that they contribute . . .
to their spiritual good,
and to the humbling of their spirit,
to their deliverance from sin and self,
and to their glorying only in the Lord.

In themselves, many of the things which befall the Lord’s people would be evil–even as in medicine, some of the ingredients are poisonous. But as a skillful physician so mixes the toxic ingredients that they work together for the health and cure of the patient–so the infinitely wise and gracious God makes all things work together for the final and eternal well-being of His people!

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