The Right way

(James Smith, “Daily Bible Readings for the Lord’s Household”)  Play Audio!  Download

“He led them forth by the RIGHT WAY, to a city where they could settle!” Psalm 107:7

It was not the smoothest,
shortest, The Right way
nor most frequented way,
but it was the BEST way!

It was the only RIGHT way!

He intended to prove them and to display His wonders, and this way afforded an opportunity for both.

Thus it is with all God’s people.
He has marked out the way in His unerring wisdom,
Because He guides them into it,
He tries them by it,
leads them along it, and
glorifies Himself by doing so!

God’s way is always contrary to that which flesh and blood would choose.
We want . . .
and honor.

But the Lord intends that we shall have . . .
fortitude, and
confidence in Himself alone.

His design is . . .
to empty us,
strip us,
humble us,
force us before His throne of grace,
endear the adorable Savior,
sweeten the precious promises,
to make Heaven more desirable!

And this He affects, by sanctifying the trials, the losses, the disappointments, and the troubles we meet with along the narrow way.

Beloved, is yours . . .
a rough way,
a trying path,
a perplexing road?
It is the RIGHT way! The Lord is leading you, and He never leads wrong!

“He led them forth by the RIGHT WAY, to a city where they could settle!”

“They were longing for a better country, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them!” Hebrews 11:16
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