He hears every sigh

(Thomas Watson, “Body of Divinity“)

Is God a God of infinite knowledge? This is comfort
to the child of God. Christian, you set hours apart for
God, your thoughts run upon Him as your treasure;
God takes notice of every good thought! “He had a
book of remembrance written for those who thought
upon His name.” He hears every sign

You enter into your closet, and pray to your Father in
secret; He hears every sigh and groan!
“My groaning is not hidden from You.”
You water the seed of your prayer with tears—God bottles
every tear!
“You keep track of all my sorrows. You
have collected all my tears in Your bottle. You have
recorded each one in Your book!” Psalm 56:8
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(J.R. Miller, “Intimate Letters on Personal Problems”)

Scripture says of Moses, that “he endured as seeing Him who is invisible!” Hebrews 11:27. That is, Moses always remembered that God was right beside him, his friend to help him — and this made him strong. He did not actually see God — but it was as if he saw Him. That is, he realized the divine presence in all of his life.

If you saw Christ standing beside you all the time — it would not be hard for you to keep sweet, to keep control of temper and speech. Well, Christ IS beside you — just as really as He was beside Mary when she sat at His feet in Bethany, or beside Peter and the other disciples as they walked together over the hills of Judea and Galilee. What you need, is to realize this fact. We know that Jesus is present with us all the time, at every moment, by day or by night. He is closer than any human friend can be to us. Indeed, we are to practice His presence — that is, we are to live all the time, as if we actually saw Him!

You must remember that Christ is always besides you, not only to see you — but to help you, as your truest and best Friend!

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