Our God is our guide

(James Smith, “Daily Bible Readings for the Lord’s Household”) Play Audio!  Download

“He will be our guide, even unto death!” Psalm 48:14

What a precious assurance is this!

Our God is our guide! He . . .
led us out of the world at first,
directed us to the cross, and
conducted us into the path of holiness.

He has led us through all our past difficulties and trials. Because He leads us by the hand at present, and He will never give up His charge, for He will be our guide even unto death. He will . . .
choose our way;God is our guide
lead us in the paths of righteousness;
kindly converse with us along the road;
point out the snares and dangers in our path;
keep us by His power through faith unto salvation,
and will patiently bear with us unto the end!

He may . . .

hide His face,
refuse communion,
withhold comforts,
smite us for our follies, and
teach us our dependence on Himself by painful experience;
but He will never forsake us, or give us up!

He will guide us to the end of the journey, and will go with us through the last dark valley!

He will not only lead us to the heavenly kingdom but put us in possession of it!
This He has promised, and He will faithfully perform it.

Beloved, it is our Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom!

He will guide us now, and by and by receive us to glory!

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