The infinite Source

(Thomas Brooks, “Heaven on Earth” 1667)

God is . . .
glorious in His power,
wonderful in His counsel,
infinite in His mercy,
precious in His goodness,
rich in His grace,
unsearchable in His understanding.

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Be strong and courageous.” Joshua 1:5-6

When God puts His people upon weighty services, He
assures them of His presence, and of His assistance.
He assures them that He will stand by them, and
strengthen them, and support them, and uphold
them. He assures them that . . .
His power should be theirs to defend them,
and His wisdom should be theirs to direct them.
His goodness should be theirs to supply them,
and His grace should be theirs to heal them.
His mercy should be theirs to pardon them,
and His joy should be theirs to strengthen them.
His promise should be theirs to cheer them,
and His Spirit should be theirs to lead them.

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(John Angell James, “The Anxious Enquirer” 1834)

“He will feed His flock like a shepherd. He will gather
the lambs in His arm, and carry them in His bosom.”
(Isaiah 40:11)

It is said of our Divine Redeemer, “He will feed His flockThe infinite Source
like a shepherd.” And in His flock there are lambs which
can neither travel fast nor far. And what will He do with
the lambs? 
“He will gather the lambs in His arm, and carry
them in His bosom.” He will not carry them on His shoulder
–the emblem of strength; but in His bosom–the image of
tender love.

Weak grace is real grace, and is in connection with the
infinite Source in Christ’s fullness.

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