I am troubled!

(James Smith, “Daily Bible Readings for the Lord’s Household”)

“I am troubled!”
Psalm 38:6

This is very often the case with the believer, he is seldom long without something to trouble him. He has . . .
so many foes without him, andI am troubled!
such unexpected and difficult things in his path
— that he is often agitated and distressed.

Because Where he looked for comfort — he finds sorrow;
and where he expected help — he finds hindrance;
where he promised himself pleasure — he experiences pain.

He is wearied —

But what a mercy it is for the troubled Christian that his Lord has experienced trouble so that He can sympathize with him. Jesus once said, “Now My soul is deeply troubled!” He has a fellow-feeling with us in all our troubles, and will first sanctify them, and then safely bring us out of them.

Beloved, are you troubled today?

Carry your troubled heart to Jesus, pour it out before Him. He can calm it, soothe it, and give it cheering repose. Therefore Take it to Jesus — to sanctify it for you.

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(J.R. Miller, “The Glory of the Commonplace”)

God can take the broken fragments of a life, shattered by sorrow — and out of them make a new life whose music shall thrill many hearts. If one is discouraged, if the life seems to be hopelessly broken — the gospel of divine love brings encouragement. Because There are no ruins of life, out of which God cannot build beauty and blessing!

Therefore God is infinitely patient with all whose lot is hard. He never exacts more of us than we can do, is never unreasonable, and knows when the burdens are too heavy for us. Once He, “being wearied with His journey, sat down by the well” in His exhaustion. He sympathizes with those who are weary, and helps them.

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted/tried in every way, just as we are” Hebrews 4:15

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