Many precious lessons

“Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.” John 16:33

If we are true Christians, we must not expect everything smooth in our journey to Heaven. We must count it no strange thing, if we have to endure sicknesses, losses, bereavements, and disappointments, just like other men. Free pardon and full forgiveness, grace along the way, and glory at the end–all this our Savior has promised to give. But He has never promised that we shall have no affliction. He loves us too well to promise that!

By affliction He teaches us many precious lessons which without it we would never learn. By affliction He . . .Many precious lessons
shows us our emptiness and weakness,
draws us to the throne of grace,
purifies our affections,
weans us from the world,
and makes us long for Heaven.

In the resurrection morning, we shall all say, “It is good for me that I was afflicted.” We shall thank God for every storm.

“You do not understand now what I am doing–but you will understand later on!” John 13:7
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He will not forget the lambs!

(John Angell James, “The Christian Professor”)

“He tends His flock like a shepherd. He will carry the
lambs in His arms, holding them close to His heart.
He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.”
Isaiah 40:11
Are you alarmed at the difficulties and dangers of
the wilderness way? Consider that you enjoy the
notice, the love, intercession, and the support of
the Great and Good Shepherd, who carries the
lambs in His arms, holding them close to His heart.
He will not forget the lambs–their feeble bleat
attracts His notice, their helplessness draws His
attention; and for them He puts forth all His
pastoral kindness and skill.

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