Are you weary?

(From Octavius Winslow’s, “God Resting in His Love”)

Beloved reader, come and rest in the love of
Jesus. He invites you to its blessed repose.

Are you weary, tossed with tempest?

Is there….
sadness in your spirit,
sorrow in your heart,
a cloud upon your mind,
some crystal cistern broken,
or some fragrant flower withered,
some fond and pleasant mercy gone?

“Come,” says Jesus, “and rest in my love;
rest in the reality of my love; rest in the
depth of my love; rest in the tenderness of
my love; rest in the deathlessness of my love!”

O blessed rest!

Poor, heart broken, weeping, penitent,
weary, laboring soul! What do you need?

All that you need is in Christ.

Draw near, then, and rest in His love.

In Jesus’ love, your weary, jaded, trembling
spirit may find full and eternal repose.

​~  ~  ~  ~​
God will never fail you!

(by Octavius Winslow)

What a source of joy you have in Jehovah
amid the joyless, sorrowful path you may tread.

There is everything in Him to make you
happy. Everything to win your confidence,
to inspire your love, to awaken your joy.

Creatures shall fail,
resources shall fail,
hopes shall fail, but
God will never fail you!

His love is as changeless,
and His power is as omnipotent,
His faithfulness is as firm,
and His resources are as boundless,

as infinite as His being.
~  ~  ~  ~

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