Sorrow turned into joy

(James Smith, “The Pastor’s Evening Visit”)

“Your sorrow shall be turned into joy!” John 16:20

The sorrow of the Christian must be transient. Because It is like the passing cloud on the summer’s day; or the chill of winter which must give place to the genial warmth of spring.

Beloved, if you now have sorrow — then your sorrow also shall soon be turned into joy; for joy is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.Sorrow turned into joy

Heaviness may endure for the night — but joy comes in the morning.

The FOES that disturb your peace — shall be converted or destroyed.

The CLOUDS that obscure your sun — shall soon dissolve in showers of blessing on your favored head.

The hard and weary road between you and your eternal home — will soon be passed! The days of your mourning will be ended, and those who now go forth weeping, bearing precious seed — shall soon return with songs of everlasting joy!

Therefore “Your sorrow shall be turned into joy!” John 16:20

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(“The Marvelous Riches of Savoring Christ,
The letters of Ruth Bryan” May 1845)

Dear friend,
I know not your present malady; but
I know that Christ is the remedy for it!

There is more in Christ for empty souls, than
pen or tongue of men or angels can count!
May you have free access, and eat and drink,
and forget your poverty–being taken up with
His riches, fullness, and glory! Therefore The Lord comfort
you, and establish your heart with grace. Adieu.

Yours affectionately, in our Beloved One,

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