God over all

(James Smith, “The Love of Christ!”)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio

The Lord Jesus Christ is God–possessed of all divine attributes, and entitled to all divine honors; one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God over all, and blessed for evermore! He is naturally, essentially, perfectly, and eternally possessed of everything peculiar to Deity.

Christ owes His existence to none. He says, “I am Jehovah, and beside Me there is no Savior!” Therefore He is God, and there is no other. There is no other name given under Heaven or among men, whereby we can be saved. He is the Rock of Ages, the infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, gracious, just, holy, and unchangeable I AM!

Angels worship Him,
devils obey Him,
saints love Him, and
sinners will bow to Him!

He is the author of . . .
and Glorification!

He . . .
produced all things by His power,
formed them by His wisdom,
supplies them by His bounty,
rules them by His instruments, and
employs them according to His sovereign will.

He is above all–in the glory of His nature;
possesses all–by essential right;
will judge all–according to His righteousness.

All things are dependent upon Him, and all rational beings are accountable to Him.

Nothing can escape His eye; none can fly out out of His hand!

He is exalted above all, and remains King forever!

He is . . .
the King of kings,God over all
Lord of lords, and
only supreme Law-giver of the universe!

He is naturally, essentially, and eternally God:
one with the Father,
equal to the Father,
and infinite as the Father.

Thus, the Scriptures reveal Him as such; saints acknowledge Him, and join the angelic host in worshiping, praising, and adoring Him! 

As such, He loves all His people–yes, He is love to them.

They love and trust their eternal interests into His hands!

No person can have right views of the love of Christ, who has not right views of the deity of Christ. His divinity gives lustre and glory to His love. If He were not God, His love would be only a passion like ours, and would fluctuate and change. But being divine, His love is an infinite perfection, and remains immutably the same!

He loves His redeemed people with all the majesty of God, and with all the tenderness of man! 

Because His love has the strength of God, and the gentleness of sinless man!

He is all-loving, and altogether lovely! “Yes, He is altogether lovely! This is my Beloved, this is my Friend!” Song of Solomon 5:16

“Having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them unto the end!” John 13:1

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