This Divine secret

(Octavius Winslow)

“Casting all your care upon Him — because He cares for you!” 1 Peter 5:7

How full of soothing and repose are these words! Where, in the world’s wilderness, grows the flower of heart’s-ease, as it blooms and blossoms here!

What cares have they lightened,This Divine secret

and anxieties have they removed!

What burdens have they unclasped,

and springs of joy and comfort and hope have they unsealed in many a sad and oppressed heart!

But do you not, beloved reader, need to be put in constant remembrance of this divine secret . . .
of rest, amid toil;
repose, amid disquietude;
soothing, amid corroding cares;
of confidence and hope, in the midst of change and troubles?

Bewildered and oppressed by the multitude of anxious thoughts within you — is there not a danger of being so absorbed by the care — as to overlook the Caretaker? Is there not a danger to forget the heart’s ease — in the overwhelming of the heart’s anxiety?

“Casting all your care upon Him — because He cares for you!”

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The following is from Bonar’s book,
“The Night of Weeping”

“In all our affliction he is afflicted.”
Jesus weeps with us.

He knows our sorrows, for He has passed
through them all, and therefore He feels
for us. He is touched with the feeling of
our griefs as well as of our infirmities.
Even in His glory He enters most fully into
the fellowship of our burdens and sorrow,
whatever these may be, for there is not
one which He did not taste when He “dwelt
among us” here. His is sympathy, deep,
real, and true. It is no fiction, no fancy.
We do not see His tears falling upon us;
neither do we clasp His hand nor feel the
beating of His heart against ours. But still
His communion with us in suffering is a reality.

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