The loving Shepherd

(James Smith, “The Love of Christ! The Fullness, Freeness, and Immutability of the Savior’s Grace Displayed!”)

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“I am the Good Shepherd;
and I know My sheep, and My sheep know Me.
I lay down My life for My sheep!” John 10:14-15

Jesus is the loving Shepherd of His chosen flock. The loving Shepherd
He knows His sheep, and loves them too. He knows . . .
their names,
and desires.
Their names are engraved on His heart, and on the palms of His hands. He came into the world that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Because He gave His life as a ransom price for them. He says, “I lay down My life for My sheep.”

Therefore He gathers them by His Gospel and Spirit, and feeds and enfolds them in little flocks below. Because He gathers the lambs with His arm and carries them in His bosom, and gently leads those that are with young. He feeds them in green pastures, and causes them to lie down beside the still waters. Therefore He protects them from the roaring lion, the raging bear, and the devouring wolf! He says, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, ever! No one will snatch them out of My hand!”

Jesus . . .

restores them when they wander;
heals them when they are sick;
cleanses them when they are filthy;
changes their pasture whenever they need it;
watches over them every moment; and
guards them day and night, so that no one may harm them.

He leads them, and they follow Him . . .
knowing His voice,
loving His person, and
obeying His commands.

He is now engaged in preparing pasture for them above–where the wicked cease from troubling, and where the weary shall forever rest! And He will come again and receive them unto Himself–that where He is, His sheep may be also.

He loves them too well to forget them, and is too concerned for them to neglect them. Because He never takes His eyes off them! This tender Shepherd listens to the bleating of the feeblest of His lambs, and sympathizes with the weakest of His flock. He has promised to feed them, lead them to fountains of living waters, and cause sorrow and sighing to flee away forever. His presence shall be with them, when they pass through the dark valley of the Shadow of Death, and His rod and His crook shall comfort them.

Therefore His strength shall be made perfect in the weakness of His lambs;
Because His wisdom shall shine in the way He conducts them, and
His love will be displayed in every part of His conduct towards them!

Lambs of Jesus! Listen to your Shepherd’s voice, keep close to your Shepherd’s side, and aim to honor your dear Shepherd’s name!

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