Precious to the Lord

(Susannah Spurgeon, “A Basket of Summer Fruit“)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio

“You are all beautiful, My beloved; there is no spot in you!” Song of Songs 4:7

“Ah!” I hear some trembling believer say, “Such a text can have nothing to do with me! I am the very opposite of all that is beautiful and spotless. …

Yet, trembling soul, I would bid you take courage, and look up! Christ’s love for His people is marvelously set forth in this Song of Songs. The same precious blood was poured out to redeem the least lamb of the flock, as for the choicest sheep!

Come, then, timid one–
Rejoice in the blessed fact that you are indeed precious to the Lord. He says, “You are beautiful, My beloved!” Bow before Him in wonder, at the miracle His love has wrought in you. Precious to the Lord

It is quite true that,
in themselves, believers are sorrowfully imperfect and sinful. But if the Lord Jesus, in His marvelous mercy, covers over their unrighteousness–they may well be content to be thus made “beautiful” in His sight. We cannot comprehend the mystery and sublimity of Divine love. But it is the sole and all-sufficient reason for the dear Lord’s estimate of us. … With reverence we say it. When our dear Master deigns to address us in accents of love and admiration–our souls are thrilled with heavenly bliss. We are uplifted beyond all the sorrows and vexations of this world, into an atmosphere of unspeakable spiritual joy!

“My beloved!”

Oh, say it again, dear Savior! Let the music of Your voice touch and vibrate through the deepest chords of my nature, and awaken sweet responses in my soul! Because You are the fount and source of all love! Therefore fill me, overwhelm me, plunge me in this sea of mercy and of grace! I would be swallowed up in it, knowing no other joy or bliss comparable to that of being able to say, “My Beloved is mine, and I am His!”

“There is no spot in you!” Can our loving Lord really mean this? He does, indeed!

All the sins, past, present, and future, all the deformity and blackness–are cleansed away by Christ’s blood, covered by His righteousness! And so completely is this done, that God Himself can find no remnant or stain of that which would have meant eternal death to an unwashed soul. Therefore The poor sinner is lifted from the depths of sin, to the heights of heavenly bliss! “What kind of love is this?” It is so Divine and incomprehensible that we are lost in wonder and amazement!

Lord Jesus, what a glorious Savior You are!

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