This divine agent

(James Smith, “The Believer’s Triumph” 1862)  Play Audio!  Download Audio

“And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.” Romans 8:9

This is Paul’s criterion. No matter what a man has, if he does not have the Spirit of Christ–“he does not belong to Christ!”

This divine agent, as the Spirit of Christ, always convinces the soul of its need of Christ. He always leads to the cross of Christ! Because He will not allow the soul to stop at, or rest in, sacraments, ceremonies, or any duties it may perform.
Therefore He points to the cross,
leads to the cross,
fixes the sinner’s eye upon the cross,
brings peace to the soul through the cross.
He dedicates and devotes the sinner to God’s service at the cross.
Because Every one who has the Spirit of Christ, knows something of the worth, virtue, and efficacy of the cross of Christ.

The Spirit of Christ always conforms to the image of Christ. Because Christ is the model after which the Spirit works; and by the Word and ordinances, by providence and His own inward operations–He stamps the likeness of Christ upon the soul. He fixes the eye on Jesus, who, as a mirror, represents and sets forth the glory of God; and by looking at Jesus, a divine transformation takes place, and we are changed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Unless, therefore, we have been taught our need of Christ as a Savior;

unless we have been led to the cross of Christ to seek salvation there; unless we are in some degree conformed to Christ, and are daily seeking more conformity–we have not the Spirit of Christ. “And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.”

Therefore The Spirit of Christ is the great proof that we are Christ’s. There may be much feeling, a moral reformation, and a profession of religion, without this. But if we have the Spirit of Christ, our thoughts will be engaged with Him, our hearts will be going out to Him, and we shall at times long to depart that we may be with Him, and see Him as He is!

The Spirit of Christ always renders Christ precious, and produces the highest possible esteem of Him.

The Spirit of Christ always makes its possessor like Christ. Not perfectly, here on earth–yet He kindles and keeps alive a desire for perfect likeness. This is the great, the grand, the habitual aim of the soul, always and everywhere–to be like Christ!
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