Saving grace

(Thomas WatsonLISTEN to Audio!   Download Audio

Saving grace is the infusion of new and holy principles into the heart, whereby it is changed from what it was, and is made more into Christ’s image. Grace infuses . . .Saving grace
light into the understanding,
tenderness into the conscience,
consent into the will, and
harmony into the affections.
Yes, grace is like leaven, pervading the whole man until all is leavened.

Because grace is a string of pearls, with which the Church (Christ’s Bride) is adorned.

The heart inlaid and enameled with grace, is like the “King’s daughter, all glorious within.” A gracious soul is the image of Christ, skillfully drawn with the pencil of the Holy Spirit. A heart beautified with grace is God’s lesser Heaven, “I dwell in the high and lofty place, and also with him also who is of a contrite and humble spirit.” Grace humbles, yet elevates.

Because grace is the flower of the soul, which fragrance Christ delights to savor.
Grace is to the soul, what . . .
the eye is to the body,
the sun is to the world,
the diamond is to the ring.


Grace makes the heart a spiritual temple which has this inscription on it, “Holiness unto the Lord!”


Therefore The believer’s graces are . . .
weapons to defend them,
wings to elevate them,
jewels to enrich them,
spices to perfume them,
stars to adorn them,
cordials to revive them, and
evidences for Heaven, when death is near.

When grace flourishes, sin cannot thrive!

Grace is Christ’s portrait drawn on the soul.

The river of grace can never be dried up, for the Spirit of God is the spring which feeds it.


Here on earth, Christ puts His graces upon His spouse; in Heaven He will put His glory upon her.
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