Divine Truth

(James W. Alexander, “Consolation” 1852)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio

“But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name–He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” John 14:26

Divine Truth is an instrument of the Spirit, for His work of consolation. If we would be comforted, we must seek it by the Truth. Therefore The Comforter is the Spirit of Truth. The consoling process is carried on by the application of Scriptural truth. Therefore, the Word of God is beyond all other volumes–the Book of Consolation. Because The doctrines concerning God, Christ, salvation, and Heaven–are the means which the Holy Spirit uses for support of the soul under heavy afflictions.

Thus we are enabled to perceive more clearly, how the Spirit comes in Christ’s name.

He teaches what Christ taught, takes things of Christ, and reveals them to us. From Scriptural wisdom and knowledge–He draws and dispenses, according to the necessities of His people. Because The Spirit gives the same lessons as Jesus. He repeats, revives, brings out the chambers of memory, truths which had faded. He touches the heart to awaken it to new impressions of Scriptural truth. All this is by a direct influence on the soul by the Spirit, opening the mind and pouring in light. Divine Truth

In order that truth be effectual, especially to consolation, something more is necessary than that it should be revealed in the Bible; something more than that it should be understood by the intellect. Because It must be powerfully brought home to the mind and heart, and to do this is the especial work of the Holy Spirit. … And this He graciously does to many a broken-hearted Christian.

The experienced and godly Christian, long tried in the ‘school of sorrows’–is made to know that the soul may be comforted amidst the deepest afflictions. Because In some unexpected moment, the divine Illuminator reveals to him the great abiding truths of Scripture;–in adverse, as in prosperous days. By a process of holy attraction, his thoughts are drawn away from self and all its sorrows and losses–to be fixed and absorbed . . .
by the character of God,
His mighty works,
by the person of the Redeemer,
the work of redemption,
by glory yet to be revealed.

Because The Comforter performs His office by means of the truth. Therefore “The things of Christ,” applied to the heart by the Spirit–direct the mind from its earthly pangs, and to a certain extent afford a foretaste of the celestial joy!

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