A more excellent object

(Thomas Doolittle, “Love to Christ Necessary to Escape the Curse at His Coming!” 1693)

Can you find a more EXCELLENT OBJECT for your love, than Jesus?
If you search through the whole creation, could you find any like Him? Are riches, honors, pleasures, or other relationships comparable to Jesus, whom you ought to love supremely? Should not the highest good be the best object of your love? Can you love lesser things, and not the greatest good? Is not all the goodness in the creature but as a drop compared to the sea, as a candle compared to the sun, as a speck of sand compared to a mountain–when compared to the goodness that is in Jesus? If David were worth ten thousand other men–then is not Jesus, David’s Lord, better than all the world?

 Is not Jesus the most SATISFYING GOOD to you?A more excellent object

You were destitute, and He supplied you,
were empty, and He filled you.
You were poor, and He enriched you.
O to love such a Savior!

Is not Jesus the most DURABLE GOOD to you?

When your riches, pleasures, honors and friends shall fail you–Jesus will never fail you!

Is not Jesus a SPECIAL GOOD to you?

He was given by special love, to a chosen people, and brings with Him incredible privileges! All other things you might love are as common to lost people, as well as to the saved. Though a worldly man, whose heart and hands and house, are full of the world, might say, “Riches are mine”–yet he cannot truly say, “Jesus is mine”. Let Jesus have the best of your love, because you are the object of His special, electing, redemptive love! 

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