Humility is not weakness

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“I hate pride and arrogance!” Proverbs 8:13

“The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished!” Proverbs 16:5

Scripture warns us of the destructive power of pride, which precedes downfall; while humility is the virtue that leads to exaltation. As we journey through life, we find ourselves engaged in a constant battle between these two forces, wrestling with our own desires for recognition–and the call to walk humbly before our Creator.

Pride, the oldest of sins, whispers seductively in our ears, urging us to exalt ourselves before others, and to seek our own glory rather than God’s.

Because Pride blinds us to our own faults, and inflates our sense of self-importance.

Pride is the root of conflicts, the cause of strifes, and the barrier to true communion with God and our fellow man. Pride erects walls where there should be bridges–fostering division, rather than unity.

Yet, in the midst of this spiritual warfare, there shines the beacon of humility!

Humility is not weakness, but strength under control. It is the recognition of our true place before God, acknowledging His sovereignty, and our utter dependence upon Him. It is the willingness . . .Humility is not weakness
to esteem others above ourselves,
serve rather than to be served,
to love sacrificially as Christ loved us.

Jesus, the embodiment of humility, demonstrated this virtue in His earthly ministry. Though He was the Son of God–He humbled Himself, taking on the form of a servant, and obediently endured the cross for our sake. His example calls us . . .
to follow in His footsteps,
clothe ourselves with humility,
and to walk humbly before our God.

In the battle against pride, let us arm ourselves with the weapons of humility:
a contrite heart,
willingness to submit to God’s will,
and a posture of servanthood towards others.

Let us daily crucify our prideful inclinations, and instead cultivate a spirit of humility–knowing that “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6

“All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 1 Peter 5:5

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