The omniscience of God

(Arthur Pink)

The omniscience of God is an encouragement to prayer. There is no cause for fearing that the petitions of the righteous will not be heard, or that their sighs and tears shall escape the notice of God–since He knows the thoughts and intents of the heart.

There is no danger of the individual saint being overlooked amidst the multitude of supplicants who daily and hourly present their various petitions, for an infinite mind is as capable of paying the same attention to millions, as if only one individual were seeking its attention.The omniscience of God

So too the lack of appropriate language, the inability to give expression to the deepest longing of the soul–will not jeopardize our prayers, for “It shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24).

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(Thomas Brooks, “The Crown and Glory of Christianity, or, HOLINESS, the Only Way to Happiness”, 1662)

“The Lord has heard the voice of my weeping.” Psalm 6:8

Tears have a voice. God has an eye upon a man’s tears, as well as upon his prayers. Penitent tears are divine ambassadors, which never return from the throne of grace without answers of grace. Peter said nothing, but went out and wept bitterly–and obtained mercy. Tears are a kind of silent prayers, which will at last prevail for mercy.

A sinner’s face never shines so beautiful, as when it is bedewed with penitential tears.

Therefore “I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears!” Isaiah 38:5

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