This glorious gospel proclaims

(Octavius Winslow)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio

“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners!”

What a gospel is this for a poor sinner! It speaks . . .
of pardon,
peace with God,
full redemption here,
and unspeakable glory hereafter!

This glorious gospel proclaims . . .This glorious gospel proclaims
a Savior to the lost,
Redeemer to the captive,
Physician to the sick,
Friend to the needy,
an Advocate to the criminal.

All that a self-ruined, sin-filled, law-condemned, broken-hearted, justice-threatened sinner needs–this “glorious gospel of the blessed God” provides!

It reveals to the self-ruined, One in whom is his help;
to the sin-filled, One who can take away all sin.
It reveals to the law-condemned, One who saves from all condemnation;
to the broken-hearted, One who binds up and heals.
It reveals to the justice-threatened, One who is a hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest!

That One is Jesus!
O name that is ever dear,
that is ever sweet,
is ever precious,
that is ever fragrant,
and is ever healing to broken-hearted sinners!


All you can possibly need, is treasured up in Christ! 


You have no cross, but Christ can bear it;
no sorrow, but Christ can alleviate it;
and no corruption, but Christ can subdue it.
You have no guilt, but Christ can remove it;
no sin, but Christ can pardon it;
and no need, but Christ can supply it!

Lift up your heads, you poor, you needy, you disconsolate!

Therefore Lift up your heads and rejoice that Christ is all to you . . .
all you need, in this valley of tears;
in the deepest sorrow;
under the heaviest affliction;
in lingering sickness;
all you will need, in the hour of death;
and in the day of judgment!

What more do you desire?

A merciful Father who loves you as the apple of His eye!

And A gracious Savior to whom to go, moment by moment!

A blessed indwelling, sanctifying, comforting Spirit!

Yes, “Happy indeed are those whose God is the Lord!”

“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me,  because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor.  He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, and recovery of sight for the blind, and  to release the oppressed.” Luke 4:18

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