Three questions

(Thomas Sherman, “Divine Breathings; Or, a Pious Soul Thirsting after Christ”) LISTEN to audio!  Download audio

O precious saint! Three questions call for your answer:
1. What were you?
2. What are you?
3. What shall you be?

1. What were you?
Dead in your transgressions and sins,
a rebel to your God,
a prodigal to your Father,
a slave to your lust,
the devil’s captive,
on the highway to Hell!

2. What are you?
Redeemed by Christ,
a royal child of God,
the spouse of Christ,
the temple of the Holy Spirit,
the heir of a priceless eternal inheritance!

3. What shall you be?
A glorious saint,
a companion of angels,
a triumphant victor,
a crowned king,
an attendant on the Lamb,
a participant in those soul-ravishing and ineffable excellencies that are in God!
You shall behold the King of Glory face to face, and enjoy immediate communion with Jesus Christ!

Nay more, you are made one with Him:Three questions
clothed with His excellencies,
enthroned with His glories,
crowned with His eternity,
and filled with His felicity!

“No eye has seen,
and no ear has heard,
no mind has imagined . . .
what God has prepared for those who love Him!” 1 Corinthians 2:9

O stand amazed at His free grace–and render all the glory to God!

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