The more you are acquainted with Jesus

(Letters of William Romaine, 1714-1795)

The more you are acquainted with Jesus

Dear friend,
May Jesus be yours–all that He is, and all that He has. Then you will be as rich as an archangel!

May He captivate you more with His infinite beauty and enable you to live more blessedly upon His infinite fullness, that He may keep His royal court in your soul!The more you are acquainted with Jesus

The more you are acquainted with Jesus, the more you will grow in love to Him; for He is altogether lovely, an immense ocean of everlasting love! The loveliness of the whole world is but a drop compared to His immeasurable love. What must Heaven be, where His love is to be fully manifested and enjoyed forever! There we shall see Him! Oh, for that day!

But even along our pilgrim way, He walks with us and makes our hearts burn within us. Because These sweet foretastes of His love draw us on and whet our appetite for Heaven. A few more of these foretastes, and we shall get to the fountainhead and drink rivers of pleasure forevermore!

To His precious dear heart’s love, I commend you and yours, because The more you are acquainted with Jesus, the more you will grow in love to Him. I am for His sake your friend and servant,
William Romaine

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