The fullness of the joy

(Charles Spurgeon, “Joy Born at Bethlehem”) (Listen to the Audio)

Perhaps you know the legend, or perhaps true history of the awakening of Augustine. He dreamed that he died, and went to the gates of Heaven. And the keeper of the gates said to him, “Who are you?”
He answered, “I am a Christian.”
But the porter replied, “No, you are not a Christian, you are a Ciceronian. Because your thoughts and studies were most of all directed to the works of Cicero and the classics–you neglected the teaching of Jesus. We judge men here, by that which most engrossed their thoughts. You are judged not to be a Christian, but a Ciceronian.”

When Augustine awoke, he put aside the classics which he had studied, and the eloquence at which he had aimed. He said, “I will be a Christian.” The fullness of the joy

From that time Augustine devoted his thoughts to the Word of God, and his pen and his tongue to the instruction of others in the truths of the gospel.

Oh I would not have it said of any of you: “Well, he may be somewhat a Christian, but he is far more a keen money getting tradesman.”

I would not have it said, “Well, he may be a believer in Christ, but he is a good deal more a politician.”

Perhaps he is a Christian, but he is most at home when he is talking about science, farming, engineering, horses, mining, navigation, or pleasure taking.

No, no! You will never know the fullness of the joy which Jesus brings to the soul. Unless, under the power of the Holy Spirit, you take the Lord your Master to be your All in all. Therefore, make Him the fountain of your most intense delight!

“You will know them by their fruits!” Matthew 7:16

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