Our heavenly possession

(“Solitude Sweetened” by James Meikle, 1730-1799)(selections)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio

O Eternity! All at once I find myself in an unbounded flood of bliss, a spacious sea of glory! O the wondrous displays of His perfections, the manifestations of His goodness, the outlettings of His love!

Here we received out of His fullness–grace upon grace, and glory upon glory.
Our heavenly possession is worthy of our liberal Giver. We have . . .
a kingdom which cannot be moved,Our heavenly possession
an inheritance, which does not fade away,
a city with foundations, whose builder and maker is God,
garments of glory,
a crown of righteousness and eternal life,
the tree of life to feed upon,
fountain of life to drink of,
garden of God to walk in,
life above the reach of death,
health secured from sickness,
eternal pleasure without pain!

Our bodies are immortal,
souls are immaculate,
our senses are sanctified,
faculties are enlarged, and
our whole soul is glorious! …

Thus we are forever blessed to the highest degree. We are . . .
above all fear,
beyond anxiety and doubt,
and fixed above all change!

Our service is sincere,
adorations are ardent,
knowledge is profound and satisfying.


Rapture rushes in at every part!

Our experience of His fullness, our vision of His perfections and glory–constitute our most exalted bliss, and are the heaven of heavens!

O what torrents of eternal love teem from the glorious throne into our souls!

The pleasure that is in His presence!

O the exuberant rivers of joy that flow at His right hand!

Love! never to be forgotten–which has brought me safely through so many winding labyrinths and crooked paths, in sight of so many enemies–in spite of . . .
a tempting devil,
the accusations of my sins,
rebellion of my lusts,
carnality of my affections, and
weakness of all my graces
to dwell at last forever in heavenly bliss!

O eternity! Once the comfort of our longing expectations–now the transport of our enlarged souls! For we are . . .
forever with the Lord,
beholding His unclouded face,
wearing His divine name,
drinking at the streams of His pleasures,
eating of His hidden manna,
sitting beneath the Tree of Life,
basking under the beams of the Sun of Righteousness,
singing hallelujahs to Him who loved us, who washed us from our sins in His blood, and brought us here to be with Him forever!

O state of complete happiness and consummate bliss!
   ~  ~  ~  ~

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